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Myst Online (re)ferme.
Posté le 05 février 2008 à 11:05:21 par RicKy

Urulive - VersFinale La nouvelle est tombée hier, annoncée par Gametap, Urulive n'aura plus de suite, donc pas de saison 2.
Les serveurs fermeront d'ici 60 jours. Encore un peu de temps, pour revisiter la caverne une dernière fois.

Cyanworld a précisé que c'est la fin de Myst Online, mais pas la fin de Cyan.

Voici l'annonce sur le forum officiel faite par GreyDragon.

From Ricardo Sanchez
VP of Content and Creative Director for GameTap

Hi Everybody,

I have some news that some of you have probably not been looking forward to. GameTap has decided to discontinue the operation of Myst Online: Uru Live.

The decision was a very difficult one and was made for business reasons rather than due to any issues regarding the design and vision of the amazing world that Cyan Worlds and Rand Miller have brought to us. Despite the great Myst Online experience coming to a close, Cyan is still a very valued partner of GameTap, we are on excellent terms, and we look forward to continuing our relationship in the future.

Many of you have made good friends while playing Myst Online, so here is the bittersweet part. Although Myst Online: Uru Live will be completely shut down in the near future, the game servers will remain live for the next 60 days. During that time, both newcomers and existing players can continue to experience the amazing world of Myst Online, explore the game’s many Ages, and interact with other players in the game and on the website and forums. After 60 days, the title will be removed from the GameTap service, though will remain live and active for fans to continue to share their passion for this important game franchise.

I know this is not the news fans of Myst Online wanted to hear. I want to thank all of you who have been extremely supportive of the game and made this grand experiment in an alternative MMO format so much fun. All of us at GameTap also want to thank you again for your tireless enthusiasm for the title.

There has been a clamor for information about the status of season 2 for some time, and the reason we haven't announced anything sooner is because we have literally been examining a wide variety of possibilities for maintaining the game, but in the end, we had to bring the exploration of the great cave to a close.

So thanks again for supporting us as we launched this truly unique game. GameTap is still committed to exploring new genres of gameplay and encouraging bold visions. If you haven't already tried Season 2 of Sam & Max, give it a try, it is as anarchic as one could hope. And I can tell you from first hand experience that the upcoming Grimm is novel and exciting experiment as well.

Ricardo Sanchez
VP of Content and Creative Director for GameTap

On behalf of everyone at Cyan and at GameTap thank you for the many years of loyalty and support for Uru Live.

Thank you
Ryan Warzecha
Cyan Worlds Community Manager

P.S. The Myst / Uru Community will always have a special place in my heart. I will never forget the times (good and bad) I have had with this community. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of a great gathering of friends and family. Thank you for the moments you have given me.

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Myst Online (re)ferme.

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Urulive - VersFinale

"Myst Online (re)ferme." | Connexion/Créer un compte | 3 commentaires | Search Discussion
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Re: Myst Online (re)ferme. (Score: 1)
par Scribe le 06 mars 2008 à 12:06:52
(Profil Utilisateur | Envoyer un message)
Petit com pour te féliciter de ce petit site qui a sans doute été bien utile à pas mal de monde. Rendez-vous pour la réréouverture. :P

Re: Myst Online (re)ferme. (Score: 1)
par Exileaddict le 06 mars 2008 à 16:26:12
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Quel dommage, quel gâchis!

J'espère que nous nous croiserons de nouveau dans un forum, ou en vrai, qui sait?


Re: Myst Online (re)ferme. (Score: 1)
par RicKy le 15 avril 2008 à 19:36:12
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Merci à tous les deux, effectivement cela est triste, mais bon qui sait, peut être aurons nous la chance de revoir Urulive à nouveau, sous une nouvelle forme ? : Until Uru 2, ou Myst Online : Urulive 2 ? :)
Comment on dit, 'jamais deux sans trois' !

A bientôt !

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