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Etat des serveurs Urulive :
MOULa disponible
Minkata dispo.
Gehn disponible
Deep Island dispo.
TOC disponible

Que pensez vous des bots dans MOUL ?

C'est top !
Marrant, sans plus
C'est nul !
Je ne sais même pas ce que c'est !


Votes: 33
Commentaires: 0

Qui est en ligne ?
Il y a pour le moment 33 invité(s) et 0 membre(s) en ligne.

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Lettre de Cyan Wolrds


We’ve got some good news. GameTap and Cyan Worlds have reached an agreement that would return the rights of Myst Online to Cyan Worlds! We’re very excited, but at the same time, there are some hurdles to overcome. Cyan Worlds is currently operating at a reduced capacity. We’re not in a position where we have plenty of resources and people to bring MO back fast and furiously. But we’ve got a plan, and we’d like to run it past you - our fans and supporters.

Please realize that this roadmap is tentative and dynamic - but it’s a starting point. There’s no guarantee that we can accomplish all of these milestones, but they are something to discuss, adjust, and shoot for. We also need to mention that the roadmap below will most likely involve some minimal subscriber fees - something along the lines of $25 (US) for six months. (That number is subject to change.) We are not trying to make any money on this at this stage - but we do need to cover some of the costs. (Additional fees may apply for future Cyan content, front-end shard ownership, etc.)

You should know that the roadmap does not involve any new content from Cyan at this time. The plan is to start to move the content creation - the “Art” - to you. In addition the guilds themselves will start to exercise some authority in writing, monitoring, approving, communicating, etc.

For now, please watch and participate in the forum;. This will be a good place to find updates - as well as through the Guild of Messengers and their affiliates Also, consider joining one of the Guilds.

And because we felt like we all needed a little levity to combat the crazy whiplash of the continuing death and resurrection of Myst Online, we’ve decided to temporarily name the resurrection plan - Myst Online: Restoration Experiment (MORE) as in “We want MORE!”

Thanks again for so much support!

The MORE team


Copyright © by World Of Uru - Au delà de Myst : Site parlant du MMO Myst Online Uru Live fait par Cyan Worlds. Jeux vidéo Open Source multijoueur All Right Reserved.

Publié le: 2008-07-09 (3913 lectures)

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Myst, Riven, Myst V images et textes D'ni appartiennent à Cyan, Inc©. Toutes les images d' URU sont de propriété de Cyan Inc© . Myst, Riven,D'ni et Myst V sont des marques appartenants à Cyan, Inc. URU et Urulive sont des noms déposés par Cyan Worlds, Inc. Tous droits réservés.

PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi.Tous droits réservés. PHP-Nuke est un logiciel libre sous licence GNU/GPL
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